On January 1, 2018, the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) welcomed Otto Drozd, CFO as its newest commissioner. Chief Drozd was nominated by the International Association of Fire Chiefs representing agencies serving populations of more than 250,000. The CPSE Board of Directors unanimously approved his appointment.

Drozd is the fire chief of the Orange County Fire Rescue Department in Florida. He has over 30 years of fire service experience having also worked for fire departments in El Paso, TX and Hialeah, FL. He has successfully led two departments, Orange County and El Paso, through CFAI accreditation and in achieving an ISO Class One rating. Drozd currently serves as President of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs.

Drozd is a graduate of the Harvard University Kennedy School’s Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program and the NFA’s Executive Fire Officer Program. He earned a Master of Science in Management from St. Thomas University in Florida and a Bachelor of Public Management from Florida Atlantic University and earned his Chief Fire Officer designation in 2008.

The Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) has 11 members that represent a cross-section of the fire and emergency service, including fire departments, city and county management, labor, standards development organizations, and the U.S. Department of Defense. CFAI holds public hearings at the CPSE Excellence Conference each spring and at the International Association of Fire Chief’s Fire Rescue International Conference each summer to review agencies applying for accredited status. All athletes know when you use anabolic steroids your body increases the intensity of the synthesis of nucleic acids and various enzymes, which are necessary for the cycle of a particular biochemical reaction. Anabolic steroids are often the first choice of bodybuilders and beginners. Anabolic steroids which are available on ACNM website www.alaskacenterfornaturalmedicine.com in pills or injections do not pose a risk to the liver. Secondly, steroids are often more powerful and therefore more effective. However, there are some exceptions. The choice of specific drugs depends on your goals.

Learn more about the individuals that graciously volunteer their time to overseeing accreditation.