The Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) continues to monitor COVID-19 matters on an ongoing basis relying on verified sources and expert recommendations.

CPSE recognizes the effects the current pandemic are having and that it will continue to impact all of us for longer than was originally anticipated. We are analyzing how best to provide service in light of travel and/or financial restrictions.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. CPSE is taking the following steps to ensure our continuity of operations and the safety of our staff, agencies and officers, contractors, and volunteers:

  • The Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) has issued new protocols for site visits and hearings through the end of 2021. This message outlines how your agency may be specifically affected by these new processes.
  • CPSE has resumed in-person workshop deliveries. Visit the CPSE University for a list of upcoming workshops.
  • In-field technical advisor work has resumed. Some work may be accomplished virtually.
  • All non-essential staff travel through Q2 2021 has been cancelled.
  • Headquarters staff is teleworking part of the week. We have the infrastructure in place to telework without significant delays or disruptions. Meetings will be conducted virtually, and the CPSE team continues to be available via email and phone.
  • A 90-day grace period for officers seeking re-designation remains in place.

CPSE is committed to working with our agencies seeking accreditation/reaccreditation and officers seeking designation/re-designation with maximum flexibility. Please reach out to program staff if you have any questions. We know you are on the frontlines of responding to this global pandemic and we want you to know that CPSE has your back.